Global musical diversity is largely independent of linguistic and genetic histories

Mon, May 20, 2024 One-minute read

I lead a new paper published at Nature Communications titled “Global musical diversity is largely independent of linguistic and genetic histories”. This paper utilizes data from an earlier project, The Global Jukebox, to explore the spatial and temporal structure of music, and compare it to linguistic and genetic similarities. In general, we found that music contains spatial and temporal patterns needed to infer historical patterns, but that those patterns seem to diverge from linguistic and genetic histories. How musical, linguistic, and genetic histories can tell us an intergrated story of human history an interesting project for future studies

This paper is culmulation of many years work with my co-authors Patrick Savage, Anna Lomax-Wood, Dor Shilton, Chiara Barbieri, Hideo Daikoku, and Quentin Atkinson.

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